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Do you know the knowledge of pearls?

1 How to distinguish between natural pearls and artificial cultivation

Many shops will sell pearls under the name of natural pearls, and the price difference between artificial and natural culture is huge, so a large number of counterfeit pearls will be produced, and natural pearls are not fixed due to the growth environment including time. https://www.silverchainforwomen.com Find the right pearl necklace for you.

The first point: the luster of natural pearls is not as smooth and shiny as cultured pearls. The color is lighter, but the reflection on the pearl can be seen very clearly. If the natural pearl luster is too uniform and bright, and too smooth, it may be artificially cultivated.

The second point: In the process of artificially cultivating pearls, it is necessary to use foreign objects to stimulate the mussels to secrete pearls to promote the formation of pearls. Therefore, artificially cultivated pearls will be implanted with pearl nuclei to promote the formation of pearls, so bright light is used to irradiate the pearls , If there is a nucleus in the middle of the pearl, it is most likely to be cultivated artificially.

2 How to identify dyed pearls

Because the profit of dyed pearls is very high, there will be a large number of imitations, and there are several ways to quickly identify them except for professional instruments.

The first one is to look at the color: natural pearls. The colors are roughly divided into body color, accompanying color and halo. The color comes out from the inside of the pearl, which looks very soft, and the color has a certain layering, and basically No two pearls are exactly the same in color and have different layers.

However, dyed pearls will be very rich and dull in color due to restrictions on technology and materials, and float on the surface. Even if the colors you dye are very rich, they will still affect the gloss and clarity, and you can still tell them at a glance. Each string of pearls is particularly consistent and unchanged.

The second type: color distribution

Most pearls have more or less flaws. Naturally colored pearls tend to have a lighter color at the flaws, which can be found under strong light. Although dyed pearls add different metallic tones in an effort to create natural brilliance, the color distribution is not Evenly, the pores and blemishes of the pearl are densely integrated with clearer colored spots, which are easy to find under strong light.

The above are all methods for identifying sub-processed pearls to pretend to be good pearls, and the following is the method for identifying true and false pearls.

1 Surface texture method

The reason why pearls produce gloss and halo is because there is a layer of texture on the surface. This layer of texture is also called corrugated flaky crystals, which are formed naturally, and imitation pearls do not show this layer of texture. So to distinguish true and false pearls, you can observe the surface texture of the pearl (but you need to use a microscope)

2 friction method

Because of its unique corrugated sheet structure, real pearls will have a sense of friction and produce pearl powder. If you wipe the powder with your hands, it will return to its original shape without damage, but artificial pearls will slip when rubbed. , There is no sense of friction, and no pearl powder is produced, even if it is scratched, it cannot be restored to its original shape.

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